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view post Posted on 2/8/2011, 15:30 by: marcolorde     +1   -1Reply

naruto manga 550 spoiler confirmado + imagenes HQ


bueno aca les dejo el post del spoiler del manga numero 550 de naruto que pasara despues de eso que le paso a naruto del vuervo , no se esto es lo unico que puden encontrar no les puedo decir ue es corfimardo porke no esta escrito en ningun lado donde lo encontre apenas encuentre imagenes o un spoiler firmado confirmado lo actualizare enseguida . REPITO NO SE SABE SI ES CONFIRMADO ESTO . para mi es una prediccion

ingles - no corfirmado - prediccion - fanfics :
Naruto 550: A Defense Revealed

"Why is this crow coming out of my mouth!?" Naruto says as the crow fully emerges and stares down Itachi.

Itachi uses Amaterasu on Naruto but as the flames approach they slowly get smaller and smaller disappearing, following that Itachi uses Tsukuyomi, that also fails.

"Naruto, that crow was created as a defensive measure, I gave you my power of stopping my own attacks, and when I fought Sasuke, right before I died I transferred my powers over to him." Itachi says

"I don't understand, you mean I can stop Sasuke's attacks?!" Naruto says

"Well, you can stop Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi, other than that I am not sure, the power of the sharingan also give the Uchiha the power to stop their attacks, like stop the flames of Amaterasu, and when I gave that power to you, I gave you my ultimate defense." Itachi says

"Damn it, Itachi, he didn't even plan on fighting Naruto and yet he has really made me a problem here." Kabuto says
Bee jumps up in between Itachi and Naruto, "Naruto take out Nagato, Itachi will be easier to defeat on his own, I'll hold him off." Bee says

Naruto begins charging Nagato, Nagato is unable to dodge because of Naruto's speed and Naruto hits him with Rasengan "Naruto you need to seal me immediately.." Nagato begins to say as he realizes Naruto already slapped a piece of paper on his chest.

"That will seal you for the immediate future but it won't hold long, I need a sealing team to finish th...

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confirmado naruto 550,
corfimado 100 % manga 550 naruto,
naruto 551,
naruto imagenes 550,
naruto manga 550 spoiler,
naruto spoiler 550,
spoiler 551 naruto,
spoiler manga 550 naruto,
spoiler naruto 550
Comments: 0 | Views: 52Last Post by: marcolorde (2/8/2011, 15:30)
